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Educational & Professional Background

Education Background:


PhD  (1993): Michigan State University:

K-12 Educational Administration,

Quantitative and Qualitative Research,

Teacher Education, and Communication.


EdS  (1990): Central Michigan University,

General Educational Administration,

Central Office (Superintendent) Certificate


MA  (1986): Central Michigan University,

General Educational Administration,

Front Office (Principal Grades 7-12) Certificate


BS  (1984): Central Michigan University, 

Spanish Major,

English Minor,

Bi-lingual/Multicultural Education Minor

(Certified Bilingual Spanish/English).


Professional Experience:


Graduate Professor: Advanced Research, Curriculum,

Educational Leadership, Decision-making, and

Educational Psychology (7 Years)


Director K-12 School Improvement & Professional Development (2 Years)


High School & Middle School Principal (5 Years)


High School & Middle School Teacher Spanish/English (7 Years)


 President Hillsdale County Principals Association MASSP (2 Years)


Asst Editor “Secondary Education Today: Journal of the MASSP” (4 Years)


Adult & Community Education Teacher Spanish/English (3 Years)


Certified Instructor TaeKwonDo: Chang Hun USTA (Many Years)


Certified Instructor TaeKwonDo: Song Ahm ATA (2 Years)


Managed United States TaeKwonDo Alliance, National Center (2 Years)


Michigan DNR Hunter Safety Instructor (5 Years)


Lions Clubs Secretary/Treasurer (1 Year) 


Former FFL holder (5 Years)


NRA Life Member


Certified Armorer AR-15 Platform


GLOCK Certified Armorer



In his free-time, Geno hosts a Facebook page titled: “Geno & Pina Cast Iron Kitchen”, where he showcases the use of his 197 pieces of cast iron cookware. In addition, Geno also enjoys woodworking, building and/or modifying firearms, hand-loading, hunting, camping, hiking, biking, fishing, and of course range-time.

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